Similar to a C struct. Can also contain variables and methods. Can be seen as a class variant.
Named or anonymous piece of code accepting a certain number of arguments and potentially returning a value.
generic type
Type argument in a class, cover, or argument definition that can correspond to any type. Useful to build reusable containers.
hash map
An association between keys and values. The SDK has a map structure as structs/HashMap.
A reusable piece of code composed of several modules and a usefile, made easy to be used from other ooc projects
An ordered list of values. Values can easily be added or removed from a list. The SDK has an array-backed list in structs/ArrayList and a linked list in structs/LinkedList.
An .ooc file is called a module. It can be imported by other modules. Modules are usually organized in packages.
A collection of ooc modules. Defined by the directory structure of an ooc project.
Reference to a certain part of memory. In fact, objects are pointers to the real thing.
A piece of software written in ooc: usually a library or an application, sometimes both. Contains modules organized in packages, and often a usefile that specifies dependencies, and how to compile the project.