

Define classes with the class keyword:

Dog: class {
  name: String
  race: Race

  init: func (=name, =race)
  bark: func { "Woof!" println() }

Then, call new on it to make an instance of it:

dog := Dog new()

An instance of a class is also called an object.


Members are variables tied to an instance:

Dog: class {
  // declare a field named 'name'
  name: String

  init: func (=name)

d1 := Dog new("Rita")
d2 := Dog new("Igloo")

"d1's name is = #{d1 name}" println()
"d2's name is = #{d2 name}" println()

Built-in members

There are a few members always available on classes. You can access the class of any object via the class member. For example:

// will be equal to 'Dog'
dog class name

// since objects are reference, will be the size of a pointer
dog class size

// the actual size of a dog object, including members
dog class instanceSize

Static members

Static members belong to a class, rather than to an instance.

Node: class {
  count: static Int = 0

  init: func {
    This count += 1

for (i in 0..10) {
  Node new()
"Number of nodes: #{Node count}" println()

In the code above, count is “shared” among all instances of node - hence, incrementing it in the constructor will be “remembered” the next time a node is created. So, we really are counting the number of nodes being created.

Static fields can also be accessed without explicitly referring to This. The declare-assignment operator, :=, also works with the static keyword before the right-hand-side value:

Node: class {
  count := static 0

  init: func {
    count += 1

// etc.


The shortest and sweetest way to define a property is to use the ::= operator:

Rectangle: class {
  width, height: Int
  area ::= width * height

Contrary to a variable declaration, the value of area will be recomputed every time it is being accessed. Contrary to a function call, one does not need parenthesis to call its getter, nor can it pass any argument.

Properties are mostly useful as shorthands for an expression that is often computed, but that would be overkill as a method.

In the technical jargon, we say that properties are, virtual members that exist as read-only, write-only, or read-write behind getters and setters.

Here’s an example of long-form, read-only property:

Person: class {
  lastName, firstName: String

  fullName: String {
    get {
      "%s %s" format(lastName, firstName)

Note that when specifying a getter, one does not need a return type, as it is the type of the property itself.

Similarly, when specifying a setter, one only needs an argument name not its type:

Person: class {
  lastName, firstName: String

  name: String {
    set (name) {
      tokens := name split(" ")
      assert(tokens size == 2)
      (firstName, lastName) = (tokens[0], tokens[1])

Empty getters and setters are valid as well, for a simple read-write property:

Person: class {
  name: String { get set }

The advantage is the following - since a property is only accessed via its getters and setters, which are methods, changing the structure of the Person class will not necessarily trigger a recompile on the modules which use it, nor will they need to explicitly import that module, if they get a Person instance from somewhere else.

This is a way to work around what is known as the Fragile Base Class Problem.


Methods are function declarations in the class body, that are called on a particular instance:

Dog: class {
  bark: func {
    "Woof!" println()

dog := Dog new()
dog bark()

this and This

In a method, the special variable this is accessible, and refers to the object the method is being called on.

Example usage of this

Building: class {
  height: Int

  // argument name shadows member name
  setHeight: func (height: Int) {
    if (height < 0 || height > 300) return

    // using `this` explicitly to differenciate them
    this height = height

This, on the other hand, refers to the type currently being defined:

Engine: class {
  logger := Log getLogger(This name)

In the example above, we are using the name of the class we are currently defining, instead of typing out "Engine" directly — that way, if we rename the class, the code will still be valid. It’s a good way to avoid repeating yourself.

Static methods

Static methods also belong to a specific class, but they’re not tied to a particular instance. Hence, you don’t have access to this in a static method because it’s not called on an instance:

Map: class {
  tiles := Map<Tile> new()

  generate: static func (width, height: Int) -> This {
    m := This new()
    for (y in 0..height) for (x in 0..width) {
      m addTile(x, y)

  addTile: func (x, y: Int) { /* ... */ }

In some languages, new is a keyword used to create objects. In ooc, it’s just a static method doing some allocation and initialization, and returning a new instance. See “Constructors” for more details.


Define the init method (with a suffix to have different constructors), and a new static method will get defined automatically.

Dog: class {
  name: String

  init: func (=name)
  init: func ~default { name = "Fido" }

For alternative instanciation strategies, defining a custom, static new method, returning an instance of type This, works just as well:

Dog: class {
  pool := static Stack<This> new()

  new: static func -> This {
    if (pool empty?()) {
      obj := This alloc()
      obj __defaults__()
    } else {
      pool pop()

  free: func {
    pool push(this)

We can clearly see that the alloc static method here does memory allocation for the object, but what about __defaults__? It contains initializers, discussed in the next section.


We’ve discussed methods, but not all code that belong to a class is in an explicit method. For example, in this code, declaration and initialization are clearly separate:

Group: class {
  number: Int

  init: func {
    number = 42

But what happens with the following code?

Group: class {
  number := 42

  init: func {

The resulting executable does the same. The class contains a field of type Int, initially equal to 0, but there’s an implicit __defaults__ method that contains all code outside of a method, that gets executed before the init method is called.

Above, the example is a pattern you’ll see often - however, one can put any amount of code directly in the class declaration:

Dog: class {
    "You made a dog!" println()
    init: func

Every time Dog new() is called, the "You made a dog!" string will get printed.



Simple inheritance is achieved through the extends keyword:

Animal: class {}
Dog: class extends Animal {}

In this case, an instance of Dog will also be an instance of Animal, and it inherits all its methods and members.

For example, a function expecting an Animal can be passed a Dog instead. That is, if your code is designed correctly. For some encyclopedic knowledge on the matter, check out the Liskov Substition Principle


Calling super will call the definition of a method in the super-class.

SimpleApp: class {
  init: func {

  // ...

NetworkedApp: class extends SimpleApp {
  init: func {

When one just wants to relay a constructor, one can use super func:

MyException: class extends Exception {
  init: super func

Which is equivalent to the following:

MyException: class extends Exception {
  init: func {

super func can take a suffix, and it relays argument as well. It is useful when you really don’t have much more to do in the constructor of the sub-class.

Please bear in mind that super func is relatively hackish - it is documented here for completeness’ sake, but it is more of a rapid coding trick than a good practice, really.

Class hierarchy

The class hierarchy can be explored via built-in members and methods on objects and classes:

// in this case, the Object class - otherwise, whatever super class it has
dog class super

// evaluates to true
dog instanceOf?(Dog)

// also evaluates to true
dog instanceOf?(Object)

// evaluates to false
dog instanceOf?(Cat)

The equivalent of instanceOf? called on classes, is inheritsFrom?

// true
Dog inheritsFrom?(Dog)

// true
Dog inheritsFrom?(Object)

// false
Dog inheritsFrom?(Cat)

Adding methods after definition

This applies to classes, covers, and enums alike. The extend keyword can add superficial methods to any type, even if it is defined in another module.

It is useful to add convenience methods of your own without having to modify the original library.

extend Float {
  negated: func -> This { -this }

if (-3.14 == 3.14 negated()) {
  "Everything is fine" println()

Virtual properties (that do not correspond to a real instance variable, but rather compute their value from other information everytime) can also be added in an extend block:

extend Int {
  plusFive: This { get {
    this + 5
  } }

See the Properties section for more info on properties.