Generic functions
Since ooc is strongly typed, usually when definining a function, it will only accept one type of argument:
printInt: func (value: Int) {
value toString() println()
But what if a function is meant to accept various types and react accordingly? Generics can be used for that:
printAnything: func <T> (value: T) {
value toString() println()
Well, that’s a step in the right direction. But it won’t work, because
you can’t call methods on generics types. Since T
could be anything,
from a String to an array to an Int, we can’t make sure it even has a
What we can do is match on T
printAnything: func <T> (value: T) {
match T {
case Int =>
value as Int toString() println()
case =>
"<unknown>" println()
That’s not very convenient - here’s another way to write it:
printAnything: func <T> (value: T) {
match value {
case i: Int =>
i toString()
case =>
} println()
Notice how we didn’t have to specify T
when calling printAnything
above? That’s because the type of T
is inferred. More complex inference
is supported as well:
map := HashMap<String, Int> new()
map put("one", 1)
printMap: func <K, V> (list: HashMap<K, V>) {
// when called from above, K == String, and V == Int
It works for closures as well:
import structs/[ArrayList, List]
map: func <T, U> (list: List<T>, f: Func (T) -> U) -> List<U> {
copy := ArrayList<U> new()
for (elem in list) {
copy add(f(elem))
a := [1, 2, 3] as ArrayList<Int>
b := map(a, |i| i toString())
b join(", ") println()
Here, U
is inferred from the return type of the closure.
Generic classes
Above, we have used generic types, such as ArrayList<T>
HashMap<K, V>
- how can they be defined? Just like functions, by
putting generic type arguments in-between chevrons (<Type1, Type2>
in the class definition:
Container: class <T> {
t: T
init: func (=t)
get: func -> T { t }
set: func (=t)
c := Container<Int> new(24)
c set(12)
c get() toString() println()
Note that inference works here too - since we are passing
a T
to the constructor, the instantiation part could be
simply rewritten as:
c := Container new(24)
Generic types can have subtypes:
ContainerToo: class <T> extends Container<T> {
print: func {
match t {
case i: Int => i toString()
case => "<unknown>"
} print()
c := ContainerToo new(24)
c print()
Specialization happens when a sub-type has fewer type parameters than its super-type:
IntContainer: class extends Container<Int> {
print: func {
get() toString() println()