Iterators are the magic that makes foreach loops work.
The basic premise is that to iterate through something, you have to
be able to know if there’s anything left, via hasNext?
, and to
retrieve the next element, via next
As a bonus, for safe iteration, the remove
method may be implemented.
If it isn’t, though, it will return false.
Since iterators may iterate on all kinds of data structures, they are
generic, ie. next
will return a T.
Here’s a demonstration, iterating through characters of the word hellfire
HellfireIterator: class extends Iterator<Char> {
content := "hellfire"
index := 0
init: func
hasNext?: func -> Bool {
index < content size
next: func -> Char {
val := content[index]
index += 1
For a foreach to work, one has to have an iterable type. Thankfully,
an Iterator
itself extends Iterable
for (letter in HellfireIterator new()) {
"%c" printfln(letter)
each and eachUntil
Apart from using foreach loops, one can use the each method:
HellfireIterator new() each(|letter|
// do something with letter
Or the eachUntil, which will break if the passed closure returns false:
HellfireIterator new() eachUntil(|letter|
if (letter == 'f') {
return false // just hell, please
// do something with letter
An iterable can be reduced using the reduce
method, accepting a
closure. It’ll get called on each pair of two elements, until there
is only one element left.
Example with a list of ints:
list := [1, 2, 3] as ArrayList<Int>
sum := list reduce(|a, b| a + b)
Any Iterable<T>
can be transformed to a List<T>
via the toList
method. Let’s try it on a string, which is iterable:
"ABC" toList() // gives ['A', 'B', 'C']