

Numbers come in various shapes and forms. There is no bignum implementation in ooc’s sdk - which means that you are pretty much stuck with C’s types, either varying width (Int, Long, LLong) or fixed-width (Int16, UInt32, Int64, etc.)

However, they share common methods that come in handy from time to time. This page summarizes these methods.


String representation

Calling toString() will return a default, decimal representation of an integer. The toHexString() method returns a base 16 representation.

0c24222570 toString() // "5318008"
3_735_928_559 toHexString() // "deadbeef"


Test if a number is odd with odd?(), if it’s even with even?().

3 odd?() // true
3 even?() // false

Also, to check if a number b is a divisor of a number a, use divisor?()

9 divisor?(3) // true

Don’t use this naive prime algorithm:

n := 40_960_001
for (i in 0..n) if (n divisor?(i)) {
  raise("Not a prime.")
"Alright, it's a prime." println()

Find something smarter instead.

Range inclusion

To test if a number is within a range, use in?(Range):

9 in?(0..10) // true
3 in?(5..15) // false

Absolute value

Use the abs() to get the a positive value no matter what:

9 abs()  // 9
-9 abs() // 9


While not technically number-related, repeating an action n times can be done with the times method:

3 times(|| knock())

Alternatively, the closure can take the current (0-based) index as an argument

99 times(|i|


String representation

Calling toString() will return a default, base 10 representation of a floating point number, with a precision of 2 after the decimal point.

3.14 toString() // "3.14", conveniently