
The os/Terminal module

Terminal is used to control the terminal output, mostly by setting colors and attributes on there.


The Color enum contains colors that are possible to set on the terminal:

To change the foreground color, use setFgColor:

Terminal setFgColor(Color black)

To change the background color, use setBgColor:

Terminal setBgColor(Color white)

List of colors

Here are the colors defined in the Color enum:

  • black
  • red
  • green
  • yellow
  • blue
  • magenta
  • cyan
  • grey
  • white

Note that depending on your terminal emulator, these colors might not map to their actual names.


Attributes can be set using setAttr:

Terminal setAttr(Attr bright)

List of attributes

Here are the attributes defined in the Attr enum:

  • reset
  • bright
  • dim
  • under
  • blink
  • reverse
  • hidden


Reset all color and attribute settings to default by using the reset method:

Terminal reset()

Cross-platform considerations

On *nix platforms, all attributes are supposed. On Windows, only the reset attribute is supported.

On *nix, the Terminal module outputs ANSI escape sequences to stdout, whereas on Windows it uses the console text attribute API.

That’s why there is no cross-platform way to transform a string into a “colored string”, because it would make no sense on Windows.

Also, on *nix, color escapes will only be outputted if stdout is a terminal and not if it’s redirected to a file or a pipe.