

Let me start off this section by admitting that testing in ooc is unfortunately more painful than in many other languages, and hasn’t been a big enough part of the culture. As rock development progresses, its test suite improves, but it’s still ways off of where I (amos) would like it to be.

One of the reasons is that running a test involves a lot of steps. Parsing the whole sdk and the test. Resolving all those. Generating C code. Compiling it with a C compiler. And finally, running the executable. It’s not uncommon for an individual test to take around one second to run on a modern machine, and that’s obviously a hindrance.

To alleviate that, sam will precompile the SDK when running several tests in sequence. This shaves a significant amount of time off the rock test suite for example.

As for all its other features, sam makes some assumption about the structure of your project:

├── source
│   └── foobar
│       └── foo.ooc
├── test
│   └── basic
│       └── bar.ooc
│       └── kux.ooc
│   └── advanced
│       └── barkux.ooc
│       └── kuxbar.ooc
└── foobar.use

When running:

sam test

sam will look for a .use file in its usual way, then look for a test folder next to the .use file, and try to run all tests contained in it, by walking the file tree recursively.

Writing tests

Tests are simply ooc programs, that exit with code 0 on success, and code 1 on failure. The simplest passing test is an empty file, and the simplest failing test is:



main: func -> Int { 1 }

For tests that should fail to compile with a compile error from rock (there are many of those in rock’s test suite), the comment //! shouldfail is recognized by sam. It inverts the outcome of the test: if the test compiles successfully, it’ll count as a failure, and vice versa. shouldfail tests are never ran, even if they compile successfully.

//! shouldcrash is another special comment that lets sam know that the test should compile correctly, but return a non-zero exit code (for example, throw an ooc exception at runtime).


sam ships with a basic assertion library, that contains both describe (accepting a textual description of a particular test), and expect, that compares given values with expected values and fails with a message if they don’t match.

A simple passing test with sam-assert looks like:

describe("42 should always equal 42", ||
  expect(42, 42) 

A failing test with sam-assert looks like:

//! shouldfail

describe("should always fail", ||
  expect(1, 0) 

Running specific tests

sam accepts a --test argument to specify a particular test .ooc file:

sam test --test test/advanced/barkux.ooc

Or a folder, which it’ll walk recursively:

sam test --test test/advanced # runs both advanced/barkux and advanced/kuxbar

When running a single test, sam skips ooc precompilation, as it would be slower.

Debugging sam

To find out exactly what commands sam are running, the -v (verbose) flag can be used.

sam test -v

Passing arguments to rock

For all sam commands that run an instance of rock (check, test), the --rockargs flag can be used.

# let rock be very verbose and force usage of our own test lib
sam test --rockargs=-vv,--use=foobar-assert